Announcing the Crystalline Conflict Community Cup 2025 North America!

February 24, 2025

Are you ready to show your mettle in the ring?
We are holding an online PvP tournament featuring Crystalline Conflict and are inviting all who are eager to take on fierce competitors within North America! If you're on the North American data centers, such as Aether, Crystal, Dynamis, or Primal, gather up your team members and register for this upcoming tournament for a chance to win exciting prizes!

The Crystalline Conflict Community Cup 2025 North America

Brian Ricardo and Frosty, host of MogTalk, will be our guest commentators for this tournament!

The Quarterfinals, Semifinals, and Finals will be broadcast live on the official FFXIV Twitch channel.
* Co-streaming is allowed.


  • Friday, February 28 at 12:00 a.m. (PST) to Friday, March 7 at 11:59 p.m. (PDT):
    Registration Period
  • Monday, March 31, 2025 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT):
    Bracket Announcement
  • Monday, April 14, 2025 to Thursday, April 17, 2025 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (PDT):
  • Friday, April 18, 2025 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (PDT):
  • Saturday, April 19, 2025 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (PDT):
    Semifinals and Finals

*All end times are approximate and subject to change.


All team members must meet the following eligibility requirements:

1. You must have and maintain your own active FINAL FANTASY XIV (the “Game”) North American Square Enix account and must use this account throughout the Promotion.
2. You must have a playable character in the North American data center (Aether/Primal/Crystal/Dynamis) that can participate in the Crystalline Conflict.
3. You must be able to communicate in English.
4. You must be able to communicate using Discord (voice and text chat) software.
5. Be willing and able to attend the following events:

  • Monday, April 14, 2025 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (PDT) – Preliminary Day 1
  • Tuesday, April 15, 2025 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (PDT) – Preliminary Day 2
  • Wednesday, April 16, 2025 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (PDT) – Preliminary Day 3
  • Thursday, April 17, 2025 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (PDT) – Preliminary Day 4
  • Friday, April 18, 2025 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (PDT) – Quarterfinals (livestreamed)
  • Saturday, April 19, 2025 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (PDT) – Semifinals and Finals (livestreamed)

*All end times are approximate and subject to change.


All participants will receive three (3) sets of 99x Magitek Torches (red, blue, yellow) and 10x Wrapped Presents.

Semi-finalist teams will receive the above, along with one (1) in-game item of their choice from the following items:

  • Ahriman Choker
  • Mandragora Choker
  • Noble Barding
  • Bluebird Earring
  • Scarf of Wondrous Wit
  • Gaelicap
  • Modern Aesthetics – Strife
  • Great Paraserpent

The winning team will receive the above, along with the Loporrit Earring.

Tournament Rules

  • Up to sixteen (16) teams may participate in the tournament.
  • If more than sixteen (16) teams register during the Entry Period, the Tournament Sponsor will use the following methodology to select the participating Teams:
    • Result of their previous Crystalline Conflict season status
    • Accuracy of the information registered on the Square Enix account
    • In-game play status.
      * The selection will be made at Square Enix's discretion.
  • If a team is disqualified during or outside of the Preliminaries, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Finals, the next eligible team will be selected to proceed.
  • Any equipment and/or network-related issues will be the responsibility of the player.
  • If any prohibited activities and / or violation of the regulation is confirmed, the team will be disqualified. Additionally, an account penalty may be issued.
  • If at any point for any reason the opponent team is unable to participate in a game, the game is won without playing.
  • In a situation where a game cannot advance due to issues such as a server outage, then that game will be null, and a rematch will be held.
  • Each member is solely responsible for ensuring that his/her/their equipment, network connection, etc. are adequate to participate in the Promotion and are issue and interruption free.
    • The round will reset if a member disconnects before the gate opens at the beginning of the game.
    • The round would continue if a member disconnected after the gate has opened.
  • The tournament will be cancelled should there be less than 8 teams participating.


  • A team must be formed with a minimum of five (5) and maximum of seven (7) members to participate.
    * Five (5) members may participate in a game. Teams may switch up to two (2) members per game, but not per round.
  • If at any point the team has less than five (5) members, the team is disqualified.
  • Once a team registration is submitted, you may not add any new members to the team.
  • Once a team registration is submitted, you may not replace any team members with someone who hasn’t been registered.
  • You may only participate in a single team.
    If a player is found to be registered in multiple Teams, that team member will be disqualified from all participating teams. This may also affect their participation in all future tournaments.
  • Teams can be formed across logical data centers if it meets the eligibility requirement.

Tournament Play

  • A “game” is defined as a series of “rounds” played between two teams.
  • A game will be held in an elimination style set of rounds.
    • Preliminaries / Quarterfinals / Semifinals: Winners for each game will be determined by best-of-three (BO3) rounds.
    • Finals: Winner will be determined by best-of-five (BO5) rounds.
  • A round which enters overtime and does not have a winner at the conclusion of the round will be considered a tie.
    • A single-round game will be held between the tied teams to break the tie.
  • During a game, each team must consist of five (5) players of different jobs.
  • Team members may freely change jobs between games.
  • Sponsor shall randomly select the first map before each game.
    • For each subsequent round, the losing team of the previous round will select the map for the next round. However, a map that has already been selected during the previous rounds cannot be selected.
  • Stage Effects will be enabled.
  • Kits may be used.
  • In-game macros may be used.
  • The Quick Chat feature may be used.
  • Reserve members are allowed to spectate the game. Reserve members are prohibited from communicating with team members in any manner whatsoever while a game is in session.
  • Entrants are allowed to broadcast their own games.
  • You must immediately raise all complaints and/or disputes about gameplay or Promotion procedures, or any other aspect of the Promotion, with the Promotion staff. You waive any complaints or disputes that you do not immediately raise to the Promotion staff. Promotion staff will have complete discretion to adjudicate all complaints and disputes about gameplay or Promotion procedures, or any other aspect of the Promotion.
  • Promotion staff may alter the Promotion or Game structure, or grant variances in the Promotion or Game rules, based on the Promotion staff’s judgment and discretion in order to ensure fair play and results.
  • In the event of a bug or glitch that affects gameplay, the full game should be played out unless otherwise decided by Sponsor. Sponsor may, in its discretion, pause gameplay at any time and for any reason related (but not limited) to preserving the integrity, fairness, accessibility, technical feasibility, and timeliness of the game. In the event of a stoppage of play, players will be notified and must remain at their devices and may not communicate with other players until gameplay is resumed. Sponsor may order gameplay be restarted due to exceptional circumstances, such as if a bug affects a player’s ability to play or the gameplay is disrupted by a force majeure event. Sponsor reserves the right to add, remove, modify, reschedule, and/or delete any game or round for any reason, including without limitation, if in its sole judgment, that game’s or round's integrity has been compromised by an unforeseen technical issue and/or error.
  • Sponsor’s decisions are final and cannot be further appealed or challenged.


Crystalline Conflict matches take place in one of five arenas: the Palaistra, the Volcanic Heart, Cloud Nine, the Clockwork Castletown, and the Red Sands.


The enactment of one or more of the following will result in a player’s immediate disqualification:

  • Actions that go against good sportsmanship, honesty, or fair play.
  • Actions that are in violation of Square Enix staff’s instructions.
  • Deliberately causing delays or impeding the progress of the tournament.
  • Using another user’s Square Enix account to participate in the tournament.
  • Transferring or selling the ability to participate in the tournament to a third party.
  • Actions that will affect the outcome of a game by cooperating with other players, such as win-trading.
  • Actions that may lead to using the tournament as a form of profit.
  • Activities that are prohibited in the rules set forth in the Official Rules.
  • Activities that are prohibited by the FINAL FANTASY XIV user agreement.
  • Activities that are prohibited by the Square Enix Account agreement.
  • Any other activities that Square Enix deems as an illicit activity.

Team Registration

Team registration will be done via an entry form linked below.
Team registration for the North American region tournament will become available from Friday, February 28 at 12:00 a.m. (PDT) to Friday, March 7 at 11:59 p.m. (PDT).

The following information is required when registering:

  • The Team name
  • The Team motto
  • Anecdote about your Team and/or its members
  • Each Team member’s character name
  • Each Team member’s Home World
  • Each Team member’s character profile
    character profile URL can be found by logging into the Lodestone and visiting your character profile
  • Each Team member’s Discord Username
  • One (1) in-game screenshot of the Team

*Team name and motto may be subject to alteration by the sponsor.

Each member of the Team must be eligible to enter this Promotion and must have read and agreed to the Official Rules for the Promotion before participating.

Only a single registration is required per Team. Each member does not need to submit a separate registration for the same Team. Limit one (1) registration per Team.

Players or Teams may not change their character names or Team names without approval from Sponsor. All such names must comply with these Key Rules and Sponsor may request that they be changed at any time. A roster shall not contain duplicates of the same name, names that consist only of symbols, or names that are difficult to distinguish from one another.

Once we have confirmed that your Team is eligible, your Team will be contacted to confirm your registration.

Proceed to the Team Registration.

FINAL FANTASY® XIV “Crystalline Conflict Community Cup 2025 North America” Official Rules

IMPORTANT! Please read the full rules before entering the “Crystalline Conflict Community Cup 2025 North America” (the “Promotion”). By entering the Promotion, you agree to be bound and abide by these Official Rules and the Additional Rules applicable to your place of legal residence, and you represent that you satisfy all eligibility requirements to enter the Promotion.

Proceed to the official rules page for full terms and conditions.

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