
The Heart's Beat

Varena Amaryllis

Diabolos [Crystal]

  • Nameday:
  • 22nd Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
  • Race / Gender:
  • Miqo'te (female)
  • Clan:
  • Keeper of the Moon
  • City-State:
  • Limsa Lominsa
  • Guardian Deity:
  • Menphina, the Lover
  • Grand Company / Rank:
  • Maelstrom / First Storm Lieutenant
  • Free Company / Rank:
  • LoveBeat / Ace of Spades

When Varena took the first steps of her adventure she was surrounded by friends, but one by one her party scattered, and eventually she had only the ever-faithful Eos by her side. For some time she wandered Eorzea alone, until a chance encounter brought her to the Free Company. She often worries that her loud exuberance might be off-putting or overbearing,
and she’s still fighting her habit of fading into the background because of it, but she does her everything she can to make sure everyone feels welcomed, safe, and loved. Her mission is to be the “Love” in LoveBeat.
She’s content to leave the “Beat” to the slap-happy Tif.